Thursday, 16 November 2017


Deepika Padukone - India has incredibly regressed

Thus spake the Pythia of Dephi. The High Priestess of the exclusive enclave of evolved Bollywood beings has deigned to bestow on us a pearl of her infinite wisdom: India has incredibly regressed.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Yes, India has regressed, it has so deplorably regressed that debasement of the raw valour of a statuesque Queen who killed herself rather than allow a lecherous Milechan touch her, is not being accepted with due meekness and deference by the regressed.

It has so irretrievably regressed as to celebrate, romanticize the savages who led marauding hordes into India.

Yes, it has so execrably regressed as to shamelessly witness a phalanx of progressive perverts justify the fallacious portrayal of invading slaughterers of infidels.  

Yes, Honourable Lady, you have never been more right.